Interview with the first winners of the BME Faculty of Civil Engineering promotion for high school students.
„Being a civil...
In our new series we will show the everyday life of civil engineers working in different fields, to help the to-be and present...
In our new series we will show the everyday life of civil engineers working in different fields, to help the to-be and present...
In our new series we will show the everyday life of civil engineers working in different fields, to help the to-be and present...
In our new series we will show the everyday life of civil engineers working in different fields, to help the to-be and present...
In our new series we will show the everyday life of civil engineers working in different fields, to help the to-be and present...
In our new series we will show the everyday life of civil engineers working in different fields, to help the to-be and present...
Spinning around at the BME-ÉMK booth, a great many stopping listener at the presentation of the Civil Engineering Faculty’s...
Dr. Attila Joó, Vice Dean of Finance and Administration at the BME Faculty of Civil Engineering is going to perform a presentation at Educatio...