Szülői Fórum - online és jelenléti
2024. August 25.

Szülői fórum
2024. August 25.
2024. August 24.
2024. August 21.
The PhD Symposia started in 1996. The concept was developed by Prof György Balázs. The first edition took place in 1996 in Budapest, Hungary with the support of fib (International Fedération du Béton).
2024. August 21.
A PhD Szimpóziumok 1996-ban indultak. A koncepciót Balázs György professzor dolgozta ki. Az első rendezvényre 1996-ban került sor Budapesten, Magyarországon, az fib (Nemzetközi Betonszövetség) támogatásával.
2024. July 31.
2024. July 24.
At this year's celebratory Faculty Council on Wednesday 19 June 2024, several of the faculty colleagues received faculty recognition.
2024. July 24.
At this year's celebratory Faculty Council on Wednesday 19 June 2024, several of the faculty colleagues received faculty recognition.
2024. July 24.
2024. July 23.
2024. July 15.