Szálerősítésű polimer anyagú bordával merevített acél lemezes szerkezetek stabilitási viselkedésének vizsgálata / Stability behavior of steel plated structures using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) stiffeners

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A téma rövid leírása, a kidolgozandó feladat részletezése: 
Fiber reinforced polymer composite (FRP) is defined as a polymer reinforced with fiber. FRP composites are anisotropic, meaning that the best mechanical properties are in the longitudinal direction of the fibers. Moreover, they are lightweight, noncorrosive, nonmagnetic and have high tensile strength. FRP is already widely used in constructions: FRP bars are used as internal reinforcement for concrete structures; FRP bars, sheets, and strips are used for strengthening of various structures constructed from concrete, masonry, timber, and even steel. It is also employed for seismic retrofitting. The use of FRP in engineering applications enables to obtain significant achievements.
It is well known that slender webs of steel I-girders are prone to various stability failure modes (local buckling, shear buckling, web crippling). Stiffeners are responsible to enhance the stability behavior of these girders. The scope of the proposed PhD research is the experimental and numerical analysis of the stability behavior of slender I-girders using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) stiffeners, which is a unique solution to strengthen slender steel plated structures.
The first step of the research is to carry out an extensive preliminary study on FRP stiffened girders subjected to different loading that trigger the characteristic stability failure modes; determination of the optimal stiffener geometry and stiffener position regarding the various stability phenomena. 
Experimental test program is to be developed and performed for each stability phenomena. The scope of the experiments is to explore the behavior and the composite action of the FRP stiffeners with the steel girders. Also, to analyze the extent of the composite action (the adhesive) on how far it can follow the large deformations which accompanies the stability failure of the web. 
Based on the test results numerical model is to be developed. The numerical models are to be first validated to the experiments, then parametric study is to be performed to cover the parameters having influence on the stability phenomena and the composite action between the FRP stiffener and the steel girder. The aim of the numerical study is to develop a database with the specific stability resistances to determine the optimal FRP application and to establish mechanical background for the design method development. The final step of the research is to develop analytical design equations to determine the resistances against each analyzed stability failure modes. 
A téma meghatározó irodalma: 
1. Z. Al-Azzawi, T. Stratford, M. Rotter, L. Bisby: A new design method for a novel FRP strengthening technique against shear buckling of steel plate girders, Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 148, p 15.
2. M. Heshmati, R. Haghani, M. Al-Emrani, A. André: On the strength prediction of adhesively bonded FRP-steel joints using cohesive zone modelling, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 93, 64-78.
3. Z. Al-Azzawi, T. Stratford, M. Rotter, L. Bisby: FRP strengthening of web panels of steel plate girders against shear buckling Part-I: Static series of tests, Composite Structures, 2018, 206, 722-738.
4. T. Ulger, A. M. Okeil: Analysis of thin-walled steel beams retrofitted by bonding GFRP stiffeners: Numerical model and investigation of design parameters, Engineering Structures, 2017, 153, 166-179.
5. T. Ulger, A. M. Okeil: Effect of initial panel slenderness on efficiency of Strengthening-By-Stiffening using FRP for shear deficient steel beams, Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 105, 147-155.
6. V.M. Karbhari (Ed.): Rehabilitation of Metallic Civil Infrastructure Using FRP Composites, Woodhouse Publishing, 2014.
7. N. Uddin (Ed.): Developments in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Civil Engineering, Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering, 2013.
A téma hazai és nemzetközi folyóiratai: 
1. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
2. Computers and Structures
3. Steel and Composite Structures
4. Concrete Structures
5. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering
6. Advances in Structural Engineering
7. Thin-Walled Structures
A témavezető utóbbi tíz évben megjelent 5 legfontosabb publikációja: 
1. N. Seres, L. Dunai: Experimental and numerical studies on concrete encased embossments of steel strips under shear action for composite slabs with profiled steel decking, Steel and Composite Structures, 2011, 11, 39-58.
2. N. Seres, L. Dunai, F. Werner, M. Göbel: Investigation on the effect of 3D cold-forming. Experimental and numerical analyses of an embossment in thin-walled plate, Proceedings of EUROSTEEL 2011 - 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, 2011, 147-152.
3. N. Seres, L. Dunai: Experimental investigation of an individual embossment for composite floor design, Concrete Structures, 2011, 12, 78-84.
4. N. Seres, L. Dunai: Modelling aspects of interface interlock in composite floors, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2011, 55, 147-160.
5. N. Seres, K. Fejes: Lateral-torsional buckling of girders with class 4 web: Investigation of coupled instability in EC3-based design approach, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 23 (11), 2442-2457.
A témavezető fenti folyóiratokban megjelent 5 közleménye: 
1. N. Seres, L. Dunai: Experimental and numerical studies on concrete encased embossments of steel strips under shear action for composite slabs with profiled steel decking, Steel and Composite Structures, 2011, 11, 39-58.
2. N. Seres, L. Dunai: Experimental investigation of an individual embossment for composite floor design, Concrete Structures, 2011, 12, 78-84.
3. N. Seres, L. Dunai: Modelling aspects of interface interlock in composite floors, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2011, 55, 147-160.
4. N. Seres, K. Fejes: Lateral-torsional buckling of girders with class 4 web: Investigation of coupled instability in EC3-based design approach, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 23 (11), 2442-2457.

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