2024. November 23.
Digital Concrete Conference 2024
The master's program in Construction Information Technology Engineering program launched by the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics has already seen its first cohort of graduates, who have generated considerable international interest with their skills and achievements. This program, conducted in English and open to both Hungarian and international students, not only emphasizes civil engineering expertise but also focuses significantly on the development of soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, and project management.

The strong relationship between instructors and students is well illustrated by the case of a recent graduate, Tamás Szögi, who had the opportunity to present their research conducted during their university years at an international conference. The mentorship provided by the instructors extended throughout the student's university journey and beyond, making it possible for the student to successfully present their research results internationally, despite the limited time available alongside their studies and work.

Tamás Szögi, shared the following insights about his conference experience:
"In my second year, when I started working with 3D concrete printing, I never imagined that one day I would present as a speaker at an international conference with hundreds of attendees. It was an incredible experience to present the work of the past years among the most renowned researchers and industry representatives in the field. It was especially valuable to hear firsthand about the latest developments and research that are shaping the future of the construction industry. In such an innovative field, continuous communication between the industry and academia is essential, and a conference provides the perfect opportunity for this. I am convinced that by combining all digital solutions, 3D concrete printing will become a revolutionary technology that opens up new possibilities in structural engineering, and I am proud to work in this field."

Szögi Tamás kutatásából született tudományos publikáció: Szögi Tamás, Kapitány Kristóf, Sólyom Sándor: Characterization of 3D Concrete Printed Horizontal Structures through Early-Age Deformation Analysis
The scientific publication of Tamás Szögi is titled "Characterization of 3D Concrete Printed Horizontal Structures through Early-Age Deformation Analysis" (Authors: Szögi, Tamás; Kapitány, Kristóf; Sólyom, Sándor), and can be reached via the following DOI link: https://doi.org/10.24355/dbbs.084-202408151353-0.

The master's program in Construction Information Technology Engineering offers a wide range of knowledge that enables graduates to tackle engineering and IT-related challenges associated with the built environment, as well as manage complex projects using modern information technology systems. Students acquire the profession in a truly international environment, providing opportunities not only for employment in Hungary but also on an international level.
The successes of the first graduating cohort and the students' testimonials demonstrate that the program establishes a vital connection between cutting-edge industrial developments and academic knowledge, which is crucial for training the engineers of the future.