Scientific Student Association (TDK)

Scientific Student Association (TDK)
Information about TDK – Scientific Student Association
Dear Civil Engineering student!
’TDK’ is a Hungarian acronym used for scientific student association. As TDK is a well established ’brand’ in Hungary, we will use this acronym also in the English text. 
We have 5 good reasons to start a ’TDK’:
1. You can gain useful knowledge that you will be able to use in practice.
2. Participation is considered as an advantage if you apply for a scholarship, grant or for a master's degree or phd programme.
3. The TDK paper can also contribute to the preparation of your thesis, and you can practice and enhance your presentation skills.
4. The best TDK papers will be selected for publication in the annual TDK Excerpts of the Faculty, which is a real scientific publication.
5. TDK can help kickstart your career, whether you are preparing for a scientific, design, or industrial job. Not only because it looks good on your CV, but also through the valuable professional experience and relationships gained during your research.
What exactly is TDK?
TDK stands for Scientific Student Association (Tudományos Diák Kör in Hungarian). The Hungarian name includes the term ’student group’ because earlier an instructor gathered a group of students and they did research and experiments together. This is no longer the case today, but now we have a TDK conference in November every year where students who think it is worth sacrificing time and energy for research show their results. The only restriction on the topic is that it should go beyond the compulsory university curriculum. The formal requirement is that it must include a paper and a presentation prepared by the student with the help of a consultant familiar with the topic. Successful papers and presentations at the Faculty TDK Conference can advance to the OTDK, which is a national competition for TDK research. More detailed information is available on the University TDK website.
If you are interested in TDK:
• Come to the next conference and listen to the presentations of other students. Here you will find the exact date.
• Check the suggested TDK topics, which you can filter by department or consultant.
• Read previous TDK papers. You can do this here.
• Find the consultant you like! All faculty members are happy to deal with students interested in TDK, and every department has a person responsible for TDK, you can find them here.
You can find information about the Faculty's Scientific Student Association on the BME institutional TDK website, and Bence Takács or Zsuzsa Szalay can provide further information.
Current topic proposals of the Faculty of Civil Engineering:
The following list is a sample from scientific topics that the faculty members consider to be relevant, interesting and suitable for student research. This list can be expanded with new topics as required. Interested students should contact the consultant and discuss the possibilities in person.