Become a civil engineer!

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Dr. Attila Joó, Vice Dean of Finance and Administration at the BME Faculty of Civil Engineering is going to perform a presentation at Educatio 2016 Fair about the civil engineer profession.

Previously we asked him about the faculty, the university life and profession itself.

Usually people does not know: what does a civil engineer do?

This is the best in this profession: practically everything in connection of the built environment is made by a civil engineer some way. Buildings, roads, railways, canals, bridges – so everything we can see around us in a city.

There are plenty of chances within the profession itself, and furthermore every to-be civil engineer can decide if she/he wants to work next to the drawing board or in the field.

I highly recommend Faculty of Civil Engineering for those, who are not exactly sure about what they want to work in the future, because after the base subjects they will have a choice among so many different specializations, that they can almost experience again the choosing of higher education, but as a much more grown-up professionally and also humanly.

There are also environmental protection and biological ways or chemical researches within the civil engineering, so those can choose this faculty too, who are interested in this ways.


Financially it is worth to become a civil engineer?

On the long run it’s sure. Fortunately the building industry is recovered from the crisis, happened a few years ago, so the wages are higher and higher. Maybe as a beginner civil engineer the salary is not specifically high, only competitive, but during a few years it becomes significantly higher. Furthermore our faculty really promotes working during the university years, with professional practices. And according to my experiences these relationships lead to get a job, which is good paying – regarding it as a student. And later it helps in job search very much.


What kind of everyday life do you have at the Civil engineering faculty?

There are really close relationships among our students and the everyday life is vibrant. There are many so-called „circles”, which are a group of our students with the same interesting. We have Zielinski Szilárd Student College, for those, who interested in civil engineering deeper, but also have photo, video, party organizer, radio, journalism and sport groups. We have some more days long happenings every year: Vásárhelyi Days, city competition or Profession Week too.


Many students afraid of becoming an engineer, because they think that they have to be excellent in Maths. This is really necessary for a becoming civil engineer?

A certain mathematical sense is important, not only for the university, but also for working later. But the high school Maths and the university requirements are not the same. And of course, our teacher try their best to help those students, who needs some mathematical catching up.


Why did you personally choose becoming a civil engineer?

It was easy for me, because my father is a civil engineer too, so I knew many things about being a civil engineer from my childhood. For those, who are not this lucky, I can recommend our Facebook page and the desk of BME Faculty of Civil Engineering at Educatio 2016 Fair, where they can get many important information at first hand.