Dr. ÁDÁM József



+36 1 463 3222




K. ép / mf. 26/1.


Academic degree

  • Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2004
  • Correspondent member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1998
  • Deliberate member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1993-1998
  • University professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics 1992
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, MTA/TMB 1991
  • Honorary Associate Professor, BME 1988
  • Candidate of Engineering Science, MTA/TMB 1981
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, BME 1977 ("summa cum laude")


  • MSc Civil engineer (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1974)

Activities in professional bodies

  • BME University Habilitation Committee and Doctoral Council (2000-)
  • BME Civil Engineering Faculty
    • 12. sz. Member of the State Exam Committee (1992-2001)
    • Member of the Educational Committee(1994-1997)
    • Member of the "Geoinformatics" Committee of the Education Committee (1997-1998)
    • Chairman of the Scientific Committee (1997-1999) and member (1999-2001)
  • BME University Council
    • Member of the Scientific Committee (1994-1997)
    • Member of the International Relations Committee (1994-1998)
  • Hungarian Scientific Academy (MTA)
    • Member of the Book & Journal Publishing Committee (1997-)
    • Member of the International Relations Committee (1999-)
  • Hungarian Scientific Academy X. Department of Earth Sciences
    • Geodesic Scientific Committee (GTB) member (1985-)
    • GTB Member of the Cosmic Geodesy Subcommittee (1977-)
  • IAG (International Association of Geodesy)
    • Member of the EUREF Subcommittee, Technical working group (TWG) and more working Committees (EUVN, Transz.)(1993-)
    • Member of several international research groups at IAG(SSG)(1983-1999)
  • BME Civil Engineering Faculty
    • ZVB Chairman of the "Geodesic Structural Works" section(2000-)
    • Member and vice-chairman of the Board and Habilitation Committee of the "Surveying and Geospatial Degree Program" (1993-2000), chairman (2000-)
    • Chairman of the Economic Committee (1996-1997)
  • MTA X. Department of Earth Sciences
    • Chairman of IUGG Hungarian National Committee (MNB)(1994-)
    • Chairman of IUGG MB IAG Section (1991-)
    • Secretary of the Doctoral Scientific Committee (1996-1999)
    • Responseble of the Department's books (1997-)
    • Vice-chairman of the Departmant (1999-)
    • Chairman of the AKP Commitee (2000-2001)
  • IAG (International Association of Geodesy)
    • National representative of IAG (1991-)
    • Chairman of the International Research Group IAG SSG 2.109. (1991-95)
    • Organizer of the Scientific Assembly of IAG 2001.(1999-2002)
    • Hungarian Space Office (MÛI) Scientific Research Council of Space (ÜTT), member (1992-2002)
  • OTKA Lifeless Natural Sciences College
    • Member of the College (1995-1998)
    • Member of the Travel and Publishing Committee (1996-1999)
    • Memeber of Earth Science II. jury (1993-1995), later chairman(1999-2002)
  • Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB, former OAB)
    • Member of the Department of Geosciences (1994-97)
    • Member of the Earth and Environmental Science Committee (1997-1998, 2001-)
    • Managing Director and member of the Earth Science Committee(1998-2000)
  • CERCO VIII. member of the surveying workgroup (1993- ) and member of several professional and social associations (MFTTT, MANT, NJSZT)
Editorial boards
  • Periodica Polytechnica (editor) (1994-)
  • Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica (1990-)
  • Geodesy and Cartography (1995-)
  • Széchenyi Award (2017)
  • The Commander's cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (2012)
  • Fasching Antal Award (2008)
  • Szent-Györgyi Albert Award (2004)
  • Ipolyi Arnold Award (2002)
  • Lázár deák-plaque (1992)
  • Nagy Ernõ-plaque (1990)
  • Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér Award (1988)
Status: 01/03/2017


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